New relics discovered at Tanbaly Reserve Museum

A rare type of coin has been discovered in Kazakhstan by scientific researchers from the Tanbaly Reserve Museum during excavations in the Kogaly Valley. According to experts from the International Historical and Archaeological Expedition, the coin could have been used from the middle of the seventh century based on Turko-Sughd early medieval numismatics.

«The obverse side of the copper coin depicts a Turkic ruler wearing a hat, with the inscription «Wealth, prosperity, abundance» in Sogdian language on his shoulders. The reverse side features the Turkic tamga signs, which are also found on the famous panel of «sun-headed» Tanbaly characters. During the excavations, we also discovered a Turkic warrior figure with a bow, likely made of iron or silver. The tip of the bow is clearly gilded. We are very happy about this find. We also found coins that belonged to the Mongolian people,» said Bibigul Dandygarayeva, Director of the Tanbaly Reserve Museum.