Сopy of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi’s manuscript published in Kazakhstan

A copy of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi’s manuscript entitled ‘Introduction to the Field of Music’ has been published in Kazakhstan. The work by the great thinker, philosopher and scholar includes the principles of the music art, as well as the basic terms and categories of instruments and melodies. It is noteworthy that domestic researchers found the original work by Al-Farabi at the National Center for Manuscripts and Rare Books in the Suleymaniye Library during a trip to Turkey. The work of the great scholar, published in the 13th century and written in Arabic, comprises three parts and more than 240 pages.

“We have printed individual pages of this manuscript on special Italian designer paper. After that, they were combined into one block and sewn using the chain stitch method. For binding, we used 3 mm thick cardboard and natural leather dyed in burgundy colour. When binding the book, a special decorative design method was used, not only on the cover but also on the spine. The frames of the book were painted in the same color as the cover itself,” said

Zhanserik Beysenkulov, restorer at the National Center for Manuscripts and Rare Books.

Specialists of the National Center for Manuscripts and Rare Books made 11 research trips to nine countries of the world as part of the ‘Archive-2025’ project, in particular, to the Czech Republic, Germany, Russia, Turkey, Hungary, France, Iran, Egypt, Tatarstan and Kyrgyzstan. In those countries they visited archives, museums and libraries and brought copies of historical documents. At the moment, work is underway to study those documents, perhaps they will shed light on many of the blank pages in history.