National Museum of Kazakhstan adds new valuable exhibit to its collection

The collection of the National Museum of Kazakhstan was enriched with a new valuable exhibit. The international foundation for culture and art support donated a Samovar from which the great Abai once enjoyed tea. This metal vessel was manufactured in 1893 in Tula. According to researchers, it was used by all Kazakh intellectuals of that era. Historian Aitkali Kistaubayev received this historic artifact during the dismantling of the inn owned by Semipalatinsk merchant Bekbai Baissov. Since then, this relic has been kept within the family, passed down from generation to generation.

“In 1980, my father brought this samovar back and restored it. The most recent repair was conducted by the Russian master Kubrin, a decade ago. My father left the samovar to us as an inheritance, emphasizing that it should be returned to homeland. I am now fulfilling his wish,” said Yermek Beissembayev, founder of the Abai International Culture and Art Support Foundation.

Now, the collection of the National Museum of Kazakhstan features 43 exhibits related to Abai. The majority of them are original works published during the lifetime of the Kazakh poet and philosopher, along with his personal belongings.