Modernization of Kazakhstan’s energy system: Doubling reliability of Western zone network

Modernization of Kazakhstan’s energy system: Doubling reliability of Western zone network

New power transmission lines have been launched in the Atyrau region to enhance the power grid of the western zone. Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov participated in the official connection ceremony via teleconference. It bears noting that a Kazakh company constructed five 220-kilovolt lines along the West Kazakhstan Power Hub – Atyrau – Mangystau route, covering a total length of 780 kilometers, with the aim of increasing the network's capacity and enhancing the reliability of energy supply to consumers. Overall, more than 4,000 transmission towers were installed, several substations were expanded, and a new distribution substation was commissioned. Kazakhstan’s share in the construction works reached around 70 percent. Smailov emphasized that this strategic project holds significant importance for ensuring energy security and fostering economic development in the entire Western region. Additionally, the reinforcement of the network will serve as the foundation for its future integration into the Single electric power system of Kazakhstan.

“It will double the capacity of electrical networks and significantly reduce the number of consumer outages in western Kazakhstan, including during emergency situations at the Mangystau Nuclear Power Plant,” Smailov said.

“The controlled shunt reactors installed at the Inder substation constitute a unique system that stabilizes voltage, reduces losses, and enhances the reliability of extensive transmission lines and distribution networks. The implementation of this project will lead to a significant increase in the power capacity of the electrical grid. It will grow from 100 megawatt to 200 megawatt in the Atyrau power center in western Kazakhstan, and from 50 megawatt to 200 megawatt on the Atyrau-Mangystau section. The local content share in implementing this project exceeded 68 percent,” said Nabi Aitzhanov, Chairman of KEGOC’s Management Board.