Ministry Of Emergency Situations: around 50,000 children learn swimming since start of 2022

Ministry Of Emergency Situations: around 50,000 children learn swimming since start of 2022

Approximately 500 places are allowed for swimming in Kazakhstan, 125 of them are controlled by special departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Around 500 lifeguards are on duty 24 hours a day. This was reported by department representative Bauyrzhan Syzdykov at a briefing of Central Communications Service. According to him, in general, emergency services constantly observe the water safety issues. A number of preventive measures are being taken, including interactive lessons in educational institutions. In addition, approximately 50,000 children have been taught swimming in the country since the beginning of this year, and the data on prohibited and permitted swimming areas have also been posted on a popular mapping platform. Bauyrzhan Syzdykov recalled the need for strict compliance with water safety rules and warned of the fines imposed on violators.

“Firstly, a fine is imposed on those citizens who violated the rules of general water use, based on the decisions of each regional maslikhat. Secondly, Article 440 is applied when a citizen appears in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication in public places. As for Article 364, first of all a citizen gets warning and in case the same violation is repeatedly committed by the same individual within one year a fine of two MCIs is imposed on him. As for article 440, an administrative fine of five MCIs is imposed on the violator,” said Baurzhan Syzdykov, chairperson of the Committee on Civil Defense and Military Units, Kazakh Ministry of Emergency Situations.


Translation by Zhanna Smagulova

Editing by Saule Mukhamejanova