March 18 marks National Clothing Day in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan continues to celebrate Nauryz in a new format this year following the authorities’ decision to enrich the meaning and content of the holiday. According to the Ministry of Culture and Information, the celebration of the Turkic New Year historically lasted for about 10 days. This year, the universities of Astana were among the first to support this tradition in Kazakhstan’s modern life. A festive event at the Gumilyov Eurasian National University welcomed the leadership, professors, staff, students, and honorary guests dressed in national costumes. Beautiful shapan robes, headwear, and dresses adorned with unique national patterns and ornaments created an atmosphere of the main holiday. Kui pieces and compositions by well-known Kazakh akyns were performed for the audience as a musical gift. The university emphasized that Nauryznama is a symbol of strengthening national identity and demonstrating confident steps towards Kazakhstan’s future.

“The Head of State’s decision to celebrate Nauryz for 10 days from March 14 to 23 marks a significant step taken this year. Firstly, National Clothing Day, National Sports Day, Cleansing Day, the day of mass tree planting, and others reveal the profound meaning of the holiday. Also, all these events across the country serve as a great spiritual foundation for people to further strengthen national unity,” said Zhanna Kurmangaliyeva, ENU Vice-Rector for Science, Commercialization and Internationalization.