Kazakhstan to introduce Unified State Urban Planning Cadastre

Kazakhstan will introduce a Unified State Urban Planning Cadastre. The system will exclude disorderly and substandard construction in cities. Free land plots and infrastructure networks will be assigned unique numbers, which will be put on the interactive map. The automated digital system will become a tool for collecting, processing and storing data on master plans, structures, engineering networks and improvement of residential areas. Digitalization of data will provide Kazakh residents and enterprises with prompt connection to utility and engineering service providers. The urban planning cadastre is planned to be implemented by the end of 2023. And by 2024, the share of inventory of regional networks will reach 100 percent.

“Such unification similarly to ID number will ensure the issuance of architectural and planning assignment, the coordination of a draft design in the system pursuant to the master plans and detailed planning projects reducing human error. It will also allow for the verification of documents fit for purpose,” explained Kazakh Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development Kairbek Uskenbayev.

“These measures will provide significant design cost savings and strict compliance with building regulations. The interactive maps will have up-to-date information on free land plots and infrastructure,” Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov added.