Major investment projects underway in Kazakhstan

Major investment projects underway in Kazakhstan

The Kazakh Government discussed measures to implement a series of major investment projects. The construction of the Bakhty-Ayagoz railway, which will significantly enhance the country’s transport and transit potential, was discussed at a meeting of the State Commission on the Issues of Modernization of the Economy of Kazakhstan chaired by Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov. The meeting agenda also included the construction of an agro-processing logistics hub in the Almaty region, which is being built jointly with a French company. As part of the G4 City project, there are plans to open a diversified center of a new format for the sale of fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, and dairy products. Additionally, the meeting addressed topical issues related to the construction of a gas processing plant at the Kashagan oil field. The enterprise is expected to produce at least 700 million cubic meters of gas per year.