Kazakhstan to commission 556 rural healthcare facilities in 2024

Kazakhstan to commission 556 rural healthcare facilities in 2024

In 2024, Kazakhstan will review the results of the Modernization of Rural Healthcare national project, which aims to commission 655 medical and paramedic stations, as well as outpatient clinics, in rural areas. Around 100 of these were put into operation last year, with the remaining facilities expected to be commissioned by year-end. Work is also ongoing to upgrade 32 central district hospitals. The development and finalization of design and estimate documentation, along with obtaining state expert conclusions, have been fully completed. Attention is also being given to the shortage of qualified doctors in rural areas. Last year, more than half of the previously existing deficit was covered, and this effort will continue this year. Overall, 60 billion tenge has been allocated for the project’s implementation.

«We have identified a list of medical specialists who graduated this year and will be employed in rural areas. Local authorities should enhance monitoring of the supply of young professionals and provide social support measures from local budgets to attract personnel to villages. The work on the implementation of the national project continues and is under special control of the ministry,» Kazakh Health Minister Akmaral Alnazarova said.