Kazakhstan to allocate 143 billion tenge for rural development in 2023

This year, 143 billion tenge will be allocated for rural development in Kazakhstan. 1,500 projects will be implemented in 736 villages. They will be aimed at improving the quality of roads, upgrading housing and communal services and social infrastructure, and building educational, healthcare, cultural, and sports facilities. Priority will be given to the supply of clean drinking water. At the government meeting, Minister of National Economy Alibek Kuantyrov mentioned the ‘Auyl – Yel Besigi’ project, saying that the draft Concept of Rural Development for 2023-2027 envisages improving the quality of rural life and creating a comfortable environment. During these years, 3,500 villages with high development potential should be brought to the parameters required by the System of Regional Standards.

“The Concept will consist of approaches such as institutional support and reduction of inequalities in access to basic services through intensive development of social, engineering, and transport infrastructure. It will also include higher income levels of villagers with the progress of the agro-industrial complex, entrepreneurship and agricultural cooperation,” Kuantyrov said.