Kazakhstan starts accepting applications for High School Graduation Exam retake

Application submission for high school graduation examination retake in Kazakhstan has begun. The deadline for the second attempt for test takers, who failed to meet threshold scores, will be July 30. For a complete do-over, a school student needs to register on the website of the National Testing Center, select the day, place and time of the exam. The high school graduation test will be held from August 10 to 13 online, as the original one. Those eligible for the retake are school leavers of this year and previous years, graduates of colleges, as well as those who studied in schools abroad. A test taker must get at least five scores in each subject to be enrolled in a university on a paid basis.

“67 percent of applicants who passed the exam, or to be more precise – 103,203 students passed threshold. We have more than 50,000 students who have failed. In August, they will be given the opportunity to retake to be able to study at universities that charge tuition. At the same time, an applicant can show to universities their best grade based on the results of two tests, comparing the scores of the second attempt with certificates from the original one,” said Ruslan Yemelbayev, the Director of the National Testing Center.