Kazakhstan’s snow leopards migrate to other countries

Environmentalists are concerned that the population of snow leopards in Kazakhstan could significantly decline. According to them, snow leopards are migrating to Kyrgyzstan, China and Mongolia in search of a new life. Experts have their own explanation to that.

“Our big problem is the development of infrastructure in mountainous areas, the construction of hotels and the building of roads. All of this affects wildlife, and because of the anxiety factor, they migrate to another country. The snow leopard that lives in Kazakhstan is common to Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and China. Therefore, they migrate back and forth every year,” said Saken Dildakhmet, environmentalist.

Another threat to snow leopards is poachers. Specialists use various tricks in order to save wild cats caught in camera traps. For example, before distributing a video or pictures of a captured leopard, the raw visual production is edited, namely designers would change the landscape so that hunters won’t be able to determine their exact location.

“Over the past several years, we have no evidence of poaching in relation to leopards. They are in the Red Data Book of Kazakhstan and are completely banned all over the world. If they catch it, they won’t be able to take it anywhere,” said Ayan Meirash, spokesperson, Kazakh Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources.

“Funds should be allocated for grant projects so that the local population also participates in this. For example, in Mongolia, if residents find a weak, injured snow leopard and report it, the state provides money in the form of a reward,” said Saken Dildakhmet, environmentalist.

Environmentalists believe that Kazakhstan needs an effective program to study and restore the population of snow leopards. According to official data, there are between 130 and 150 snow leopards living in the country.


Translation by Assem Zhanmukhanova

Editing by Saule Mukhamejanova