Kazakhstan plans to launch National Bank of Mineral Resources in testing mode

Kazakhstan plans to launch a National Bank of Mineral Resources by the end of the year. Kazakh Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources reported that so far it works in testing mode. The department explained that all the chemical elements, found in the bowels of the country, will be included in a database. The goal is to double the potential for attracting investment in exploration and deep study of natural resources across the country. At the same time, about 50 business processes will undergo re-engineering, including in the fields of geology and subsoil use. The ministry also stated that all the functionality of the bank will be integrated into a single Kaznedra platform, which is expected to fully launch in December 2023.

“The introduction of Kaznedra platform ensures transparency and enhanced control over the use of subsoil via digitization of procedures, that is, from exploring deposits and obtaining geological information to the formation and reports submission by subsoil users. The Kaznedra national project will contribute to the comprehensive service support for investors by consolidating all procedures and services in a unified format for subsoil users. The creation of the Kaznedra platform will provide access to information in the field of subsoil use for individuals and legal entities, as well as for business representatives and automation of public services provided in this sphere,” said Askat Pshenbayev, spokesperson for Kazakh Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources.