Kazakhstan plans to introduce professional liability insurance for health workers

Healthcare organizations in Kazakhstan will be obliged to sign a contract of professional liability insurance for health workers. The draft law was approved by the Mazhilis, the Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament, in the first reading. The country’s Health Minister said that the best way was to suggest an adapted market-based insurance relying on the experience of countries such as the U.S., Germany, Japan, and Turkey. This will allow improving the quality of medical assistance in Kazakhstan. Thus, all disputes can be settled in court. Compensation payment for any patient damage will be made by the insurance company. In case of dissatisfaction, the patient will have the right to appeal to the state authorities. The system is planned to be launched in stages. The rules set the minimum premium for professional indemnity insurance. In the first stage, it will be covered by medical organizations. Starting from 2025, 50 percent of the premium will be paid by health workers.

«Healthcare institutions build patient support services. According to the insurance model, all complaints will be handled by a special commission involving experts, stakeholders, and relevant medical associations using features of mediation. This project is a new area in healthcare. It is aimed at ensuring the protection of patients' rights and reducing the professional risks of health workers. We therefore believe that now is the time to adopt this document,» Kazakh Health Minister Azhar Giniyat added.