Kazakhs living abroad to get free education in Kazakhstan

Kazakh citizens living abroad can receive free education in their homeland. Specifically, they can participate in the "Path to the Fatherland" competition, organized by an International Education Corporation. The project consists of three stages, the Rector of the university said. Kazakhs from all over the world can take part in it without any restrictions. The winners will be announced on July 26th.

“We are giving out 20 grants this year. The competition was announced yesterday. It will take place in three stages. The first stage involves writing an essay about the history of our country, about the outstanding figures of Kazakhstan. At the second stage of the competition, participants are again required to write an essay, but in it they are expected to tell why they chose this educational corporation and what goals they set for themselves after graduation. And the third stage is a direct interview. All of them will be held online,” said Margarita Imandossova, Rector of the International Education Corporation.

Grants are distributed among thirty two educational programs. To date, the education corporation works closely with 117 educational institutions in more than thirty countries.


Translation by Assem Zhanmukhanova

Editing by Galiya Khassenkhanova