Kazakh senate proposes amendments to constitutional law “On First President”

Kazakh senate proposes amendments to constitutional law “On First President”

The Senate of the Kazakh Parliament proposed to repeal the need to align state initiatives with the First President. This rule is prescribed in the constitutional law “On the First President”. Senators also discussed the amendments to the laws “On the Security Council” and “Kazakhstan’s Ethnic Assembly” earlier offered by mazhilismen, which involve the abolition of the First President’s right to life-long chairmanship in these organizations. Members of the Upper House approved all the changes previously announced by mazhilismen. Having proposed their own amendment, they returned the bill for reconsideration to the Lower House.

“Senators supported amendments to the legislation that the Head of State, ex officio, should chair the Security Council and Kazakhstan’s Ethnic Assembly. Members of the Senate made another amendment during the discussion of the bill. The law “On the First President” excludes the rule prescribing that initiatives in the main directions of external and internal policy should be aligned with him. As such, the Senate conceptually approved the amendments to the legislation and decided to send it back to the Mazhilis,” said Lyazzat Suleimen, Member of the Senate.


Translation by Saniya Sakenova

Editing by Galiya Khassenkhanova