Kazakh сapital to have its new flag and emblem

Kazakh сapital to have its new flag and emblem

The capital of Kazakhstan is set to have new symbols - the corresponding decision was prepared by the city’s Maslikhat. The document is posted on the Open Legal Acts website. In addition to the detailed description of the symbols themselves, the rules for their use are also specified there. Thus, the flag of Astana can be raised on the days of celebration of state and city holidays, during official ceremonies and other solemn events held by the city administration, state bodies, organizations and citizens. The image of the flag can be placed on awards and honorary badges of the city of Astana, as well as on the insignia of government agencies located in Kazakh capital. The symbol is also allowed to be used for the external design of the urban passenger transport on public holidays. The emblem of Astana can be used in the decoration of the capital, while its image is allowed to be put in offices, meeting rooms, on signboards of government agencies and other organizations at the request of their owners. In addition, this symbol is allowed to be used in the design of vehicles of government agencies, urban passenger transport or transport of special services, which are under the jurisdiction of government agencies, legal entities and individuals. However, legal entities and private entrepreneurs are prohibited to use the image of the city’s emblem for stamps and seals production, the document says.