Wildfire in Kostanai region will not affect food security, says Kazakh Agriculture Ministry

Wildfire in Kostanai region will not affect food security, says Kazakh Agriculture Ministry

Wildfires in Kostanai region will not affect the country’s food security, predicted crop yields, or the execution of export contracts, Kazakh Ministry of Agriculture reports. According to the office, agricultural crops were not much affected, less than 0.1 percent of the total area. Therefore, the fields were not completely damaged. In particular, 15 hectares of grain and two hectares of flax crops were engulfed by the fire in Karabalyk district. One hectare of grain harvesting areas was destroyed in Mendykara district. It bears noting that more than 45 percent of the sown area has already been harvested in the region. 1.8 million tonnes of grain and legumes were harvested as well.