Kazakh residents can pay taxes via mobile app now

Kazakh residents can pay taxes via mobile app now

Easy way to pay taxes! Now Kazakh residents can pay any fee using the eGov mobile application, said Kazakh Finance Minister Yerulan Zhamaubayev in the Mazhilis. The eGov Mobile is a real breakthrough in the database integration of state information systems. About 92 percent of public services were digitized to date, wherein over 97 percent of accepted applications are processed online. Most of them are related to customs operations and procedures. To improve them, the country began to modernize ten checkpoints that will be completely automated by 2024. In general, as the minister noted, the digital transformation of the department’s services will be classified by five key blocks. Each is aimed at creating the most comfortable and favorable climate for citizens.

“The Ministry of Finance will continue to further improve and digitize tax and customs administration. This is, of course, related to the introduction of comprehensive measures. Firstly, the use of artificial intelligence in the risk management system allows avoiding the human factor and increasing budget revenues. Therefore, a particular attention is paid to the development of artificial intelligence. Secondly, it allows expanding the project of horizontal monitoring for large taxpayers as much as possible. The main goal of the project is to timely inform taxpayers about risky transactions and violations of tax legislation by establishing online access to information systems of taxpayers,” said Yerulan Zhamaubayev, Kazakh Finance Minister.


Translation by Saniya Sakenova

Editing by Saule Mukhamejanova