Kazakh may become international communication language

Students in South Korea are actively studying the Kazakh language. The first courses on linguistics and Kazakh studies at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies were introduced back in 2004. This year, the Central Asian Studies department marks its 20th anniversary. Among the eager learners of the language of Abai are prospective diplomats, interpreters, and employees of Kazakh-Korean ventures. Chu Young-min, an Associate Professor at HUFS, was once a student at the department herself. She rapidly acquired proficiency in the Kazakh language and now teaches its grammar.

“One day, I came across an article about Central Asia and Kazakhstan. I learned about many interesting things that exist in Kazakhstan but not in Korea, and vice versa. It seemed to me that our countries could become closer to each other. So, I made the decision to start learning Kazakh to become another bridge between our countries,” Chu Young-min said.