Kazakh artist’s rice paintings wow the world

Kazakh artist’s rice paintings wow the world

The artworks of Kazakh artist Dulat Aitbayev are gaining popularity abroad. Orders are coming in from around the world. Recently, one of his paintings depicting a cosmodrome was shipped to Russia, and 50 other pieces were sent to China. What makes his paintings captivating is a unique technique – Aitbayev uses rice to create his artworks. Before starting work, the artist applies glue to the chipboard, fixes the seeds, and then rolls them out to achieve a smooth surface. The master begins the artwork creation process only after the surface has fully dried.

“I first sent one of my paintings to China. When they saw my creation made of rice, they were amazed and ordered 50 artworks depicting horses. After the preparatory work, I usually create images using watercolor on the rice surface. Then, I spray glue. As the painting dries, it shimmers in the light like a diamond. I believe that these artworks are surprising and delightful for foreigners,” Aitbayev said.

The master has been painting employing this technique for about 20 years now, primarily depicting the picturesque nature of the Great Steppe and historical figures. With over 1,000 portraits in his portfolio, each artwork takes about a week to complete. In the future, Aitbayev plans to share the secrets of rice painting with young aspiring artists.