Kazakh artist Karipbek Kuyukov presents his anti-nuclear exhibition in France

Kazakh artist Karipbek Kuyukov presents his anti-nuclear exhibition in France

Famous Kazakh artist Karipbek Kuyukov is holding a series of exhibitions on anti-nuclear issues in France. The exhibition marathon entitled ‘Overcoming’ kicked off in Strasbourg with an exposition at the Council of Europe. Then, the exhibition was presented at the local university, at the Kazakh Embassy in Paris, the Senate building and finally Rennes, which is Almaty’s sister city.

“We should not remain silent on this topic, it is important not to be indifferent to what future is awaiting us in this direction. There are people who support this evil cause. But we need to stand against them. I believe that any reasonable person who sees such a danger should do everything possible to prevent it,” said Kuyukov.

The artist’s personal story about the Semipalatinsk nuclear testing site didn’t leave anyone indifferent in France. After all, emotion and worries for the world, for the planet, for humanity are clearly visible in his paintings.

“I am very proud to host this event together with our Kazakh friend, who has been tirelessly fighting for nuclear disarmament for years. Here in France we have been intensifying the fight to sign the Nuclear Disarmament Treaty. And, in order to support this good movement, we are starting working on the creation of a parliamentary network of the Senate, the National Assembly, and the European Parliament from different political currents,” French Senator Pierre Laurent said.

“We would like to continue this collaboration, so that Karipbek's works can be sold in our digital gallery or in the Peace Movement boutique for the benefit of the artist. We want him to be able to continue his pacifist activities. This is a demonstration of our solidarity,” Roland Nivet, national secretary of the French Peace Movement, said.

It bears noting that Kuyukov`s paintings are actively traveling across the world. They were exhibited in the US, Switzerland, Austria, Japan and many other countries.