Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulates Kazakh citizens on Independence Day

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulated citizens of Kazakhstan on the Independence Day. He emphasized that this is a special date in the country’s history that symbolizes the dream of ancestors about a sovereign state turned into reality. Independence is the greatest legacy, we are all obliged to cherish it, and honor the memory of the national heroes who devoted their lives to the struggle for freedom of the nation, the President said.

The fighters’ selfless love for the homeland is a great example for the present and future generations. The Head of State also underlined that 2022 was a watershed year for Kazakhstan, as the country faced both internal and external challenges. However, citizens manage to confidently overcome any trials thanks to their unity and cohesion. The main task they face is the further successful development of the country. The President also wished health and well-being to his fellow citizens and prosperity to the state.