International Volunteer Forum held in Astana

Over the course of two days, over 40 delegates from 34 countries, as well as representatives from all regions of Kazakhstan, will discuss topical issues of the volunteer movement. It is planned to hold a total of 11 sessions, covering all areas of volunteer activities, including social, inclusive, educational, and innovative spheres. The participants will also touch upon the contribution of volunteers to addressing environmental problems and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. It is worth noting that the forum will include a presentation showcasing Kazakhstan’s volunteering experience. In addition, for those interested, there will be workshops, pitching sessions, and other activities held throughout the two-day event.

Today's forum demonstrates that Kazakhstan is ready and actively promotes volunteers in the present world. The country holds a strong position and indicators in the Central Asian region. It is very important to acknowledge how the leadership of Kazakhstan supports and promotes volunteering in the country. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan are all brotherly nations, united by similar languages, traditions, mentality, interests, and challenges. Nowadays, it is of utmost importance that we promote volunteering, both free volunteering and the systematic one, where the leadership of our countries comes together through the lens of volunteering development,” Shirin Abidova, Director of Uzbekistan Volunteer Association, said.