International seminar in Astana addresses aviation security issues

International seminar in Astana addresses aviation security issues

Aviation experts from Europe have come to Kazakhstan to share their experience and teach domestic specialists how to counter modern threats such as cyber and laser attacks on aircraft. Participants of a dedicated seminar gathered in Astana to learn all the peculiarities and recommendations of foreign professionals. The event is organized by the European Civil Aviation Conference, which has been closely cooperating with Kazakhstan for the last few years. Experts from Kazakhstan, France, the UK, Portugal, Ukraine, Georgia, Bulgaria, Spain and the Central Asian countries also intend to discuss the issues of expanding cooperation in cargo and passenger air transportation, particularly between Kazakhstan and the European Union (EU).

“I think, of course this depends on the further development of the economic relations. We hope they have been rapidly developing in the past year. The trade is increasing between the EU and Kazakhstan. And of course we hope that this will further develop, and for that we need aviation transport and more aviation relations, also maybe more competition on the routes to have more better tariffs for the consumers, both for cargo as well as for passengers,” said Johannes Baur, Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan.