Festive lesson for first graders marks Constitution Day

Festive lesson for first graders marks Constitution Day

Ahead of the state holiday, an open lesson dedicated to the country’s Basic Law was held at Kazakhstan’s Presidential Center. The lesson explained what the Constitution is and why it is the foundation of stability and prosperity to first graders in a clear and accessible manner. According to the organizers, such an event aims to instill a sense of patriotism in children, help them consolidate knowledge about their native country, its history, laws, and policies, and foster a respectful attitude toward Kazakhstan’s state symbols. In turn, the children decided to delight their teachers by reciting poems about the homeland, singing, and dancing.

«The most valuable asset of Kazakhstan is its people, with their rights and freedoms. These children are our future. As they embark on their journey of learning, this event is organized to wish them well, offer encouragement, and impart knowledge in a way that will benefit them in the future,» said Serik Sydykov, Deputy Director of the Presidential Center of Kazakhstan.

«These are first graders who have just started school, and it certainly takes effort to explain concepts such as the Constitution, Republic, and Statehood to them. Thus, extensive preparation went into the lesson, but today’s children are very smart and can express their thoughts and opinions clearly,» said teacher Aizhan Arinova.