Experts: Presidential election symbolizes country’s democratic development

Experts: Presidential election symbolizes country’s democratic development

The presidential election is an example of democratic development of the country. The electoral process empowers civil society to control authorities, opined Askar Nursha, advisor to the director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies. According to him, this event proves that the voice of the people is important to the country, and their wishes can be heard. The expert stressed the significance of political changes, since the next President must contribute to the improvement of the social and economic well-being of the population.

“This election will make the power move to the next level. There are several candidates, each with his or her own manifesto and vision for the development of the state. We have two female candidates in this election. And here the question is can society support a woman and see her as a leader as a whole? There are representatives of different segments of the population as well, with different political and social experiences. The candidate who presents the best manifesto will deserve to win,” Nursha noted.