Costs of over 186 million tenge reimbursed to industrial enterprises

The Kazakhstan Industry and Export Center carried out transactions to reimburse costs totaling nearly 186.5 million tenge to domestic industrial enterprises from January to July 2023. The majority of this amount, worth 184 million tenge, was compensated to enterprises to enhance their productivity. The remaining funds, namely around 2.5 million tenge, were directed toward supporting enterprises in promoting domestic goods within the local market. Overall, the Center received 236 applications during the first seven months of the year, predominantly from the cities of Astana, Shymkent, and Almaty, and the Akmola region. These enterprises operate across such sectors as machinery, light industry, and food production.

“QazIndustry reimburses costs aimed at boosting labor productivity and promoting goods and services in the domestic market. Therefore, we encourage the business community and enterprises involved in manufacturing finished products to utilize the incentive tools offered by QazIndustry by applying online and also consulting for any inquiries related to cost reimbursement,” said Arystanbek Sagiyev, Head of Business Promotion Directorate at the Kazakhstan Industry and Export Center.