Concert celebrating 190th anniversary of Kazakh composer Birzhan Sal held in Astana

This year marks the 190th anniversary of Birzhan Sal Kozhagululy, the pioneer of Sal-Seri art and a folk composer. As part of the celebration, a special creative event was held in Astana featuring his most renowned works, known for their precise metaphors and delicate portrayal of feelings and emotions. The audience was also introduced to previously unknown facts about the life and work of the famous Kazakh poet, singer, and aitys performer. According to the organizers, their primary objective was not only to honor the memory of this legendary figure but also to promote folk art as an essential part of the cultural code.

«If we want this art to gain popularity and attract even more interest, it’s essential to promote it, discuss it, and showcase it extensively. This is what’s known as a trend. Behind every trend lies a brand. We demonstrate to the world what Kazakh national art is by spreading it globally,» said Yerlan Ryskali, Artistic Director of Qazaqconcert.

«Birzhan Sal was often invited by the biis of three tribes to participate in major aitys contests and other large-scale events. He was an unmatched aitys performer, whose great poetic talent was showcased during the famous aitys performance with Sara. As a Sal-Seri art teacher across the east, south, north, and west of Kazakhstan, he holds a distinguished position in the history of performing arts,» said Zhangali Zhuzbai, Honored Figure of Kazakhstan.