Commemorative events marking 165th birth anniversary of Mashkhur Zhussup Kopeyev held in Pavlodar region

Commemorative events marking 165th birth anniversary of Mashkhur Zhussup Kopeyev held in Pavlodar region

This year, Kazakhstan marks the 165th anniversary of the renowned poet Mashkhur Zhussup Kopeyev. The celebration honoring this prominent figure in Kazakh culture and literature took place in the Pavlodar region, featuring aitys and terme performers’ contests, alongside sports competitions such as kokpar, baige, and Kazakh Kuresi. It bears noting that Kopeyev collected samples of Kazakh folklore, having recorded numerous epics, legends, fairy tales, and aitys pieces. Kopeyev embodied a versatile personality. He was a historian, ethnographer, educator, folklorist, and polyglot. He had a good command of Arabic and Persian languages. It is worth mentioning that during the solemn event, Yerlan Koshanov, Chairperson of the Mazhilis, the Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament, presented a congratulatory letter from the Kazakh President.

“Mashkhur Zhussup Kopeyev has made an invaluable contribution to the preservation of our national spiritual heritage, the study and promotion of folklore, genealogical history, customs and traditions of our people. His poems and epics educate people, nurturing an affinity for high culture and broadening the horizons of Kazakh literature. Therefore, our common duty is to revive his creative legacy and ensure that it remains forever in people’s memory,” said Koshanov.