Tulip festival takes place in Almaty

Tulip festival takes place in Almaty

Almaty hosted the annual tulip festival featuring multiple varieties with rare colors, including red, orange, bright yellow, and light cream. The traditional event, which gathered over 2,000 participants, is primarily aimed at instilling in teenagers a careful attitude towards nature. Under the guidance of scientific supervisors, schoolchildren planted bushes of rare plants. For instance, nearly 30 species of tulips bloomed in the collection area of the ecology department at the Palace of Schoolchildren. Among them are endemics such as the Greig, Lemmers, and Albert tulips.

“We planted 20,000 tulip bulbs, including both cultivated and wild varieties. Among them is the Albert variety, which we are proud of,” said Indira Kuralbayeva, staff member of the ecology and biology department at the Palace of Schoolchildren. 

Kazakh researchers have traced the presence of tulips on the country’s territory back over 10 million years, suggesting Kazakhstan as its homeland. Therefore, the festival coincides with the tulip blooming season annually.