Chinese influencers discover beauty of Kazakhstan

A group of popular Chinese bloggers with millions of followers visited Kazakhstan. A special informational tour was organized for these foreign guests in the cities of Astana and Almaty, as well as visits to the Ile-Alatau, Sharyn, and Burabai national parks. According to the Kazakh Tourism national company, the influencers were invited specifically for the opening of a Kazakh cuisine restaurant in the capital, with support from local authorities of Almaty and Astana cities, and the Akmola region.

«As part of Kazakhstan’s Tourism Year in China, famous Chinese bloggers with a 20-million audience were invited to the opening of the Kazakh restaurant in the capital. Influencers who have visited our country see that Kazakhstan can become one of the trendy destinations. The guests were very impressed by the beauty of Kazakhstan and actively shared photos and videos with their friends and followers. I think the interest that Kazakhstan is currently generating among Chinese citizens will continue for a long time,» said Shyryn Mussina, managing director of the brand and marketing department at «Kazakh Tourism».