Aviation fleet of Kazakh Military Institute augmented with new aircraft

Aviation fleet of Kazakh Military Institute augmented with new aircraft

The aviation fleet of Talgat Bigeldinov Military Institute was replenished with two new aircraft. A Czech L-410 aircraft was delivered there. One such aircraft is designed to transport 19 people or cargo to 1,000 kilograms. Besides, it can reach a distance of 1,200 kilometers, developing speeds of up to 400 kilometers per hour with a full tank. It bears noting that a runway of up to 400 meters is sufficient to raise this light transport vessel into the air. To date, there are four airplanes of this type that meet the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety requirements in the country. Earlier, cadets of the military institution studied piloting techniques in other cities of the country, and now they will master these skills in their educational institute.

“Our cadets and military pilots have received a good new airplane. We also have plans to purchase four machines of this type. By 2030, we must create a large fleet of aviation equipment here and give the engineering and technical staff that studied in the Czech Republic a permit for independent maintenance,” said Yerzhan Nildibayev, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Defense Forces of Kazakhstan’s Armed Forces.