Animated film about golden warrior set to be released in Kazakhstan

The animated film titled ‘Altyn Adam’ (‘Golden Man’), telling about the adventures of a Saka warrior, is set to be released in Kazakh theaters. The full-length animated movie in the action and fantasy genres is designed for audiences aged five to 15 and includes over 20 characters. The main protagonists, 12-year-old Ankyl and his friends Zhupar and a snow leopard, battle dark forces, displaying courage and valor. The film director Turdybek Maidan aims to convey the main message to the audience that it is crucial to remain a ‘golden’ person who loves people and overcomes his flaws and evil.

“Altyn Adam’ is one of the most valuable exhibits in Kazakhstan. Our goal was to promote these artifacts among children. So, when kids see the Golden Warrior, they start wondering who wore this armor and what kind of person this was. We answer these questions in the animated film. Thus, we decided to showcase the Golden Man’s soul of gold,” said Turdybek Maidan, the director of the animated film ‘Altyn Adam’.

The animation production involved 40 people. The 2D film, with some characters designed in a 3D format, depicts iconic locations such as canyons in Mangystau. The movie will be screened in the Kazakh and Russian languages with English subtitles. It is worth noting that the full-length animated film was produced following the Altyn Adam World exhibition tour to leading museums around the world.

“The creation of an animated film is a lengthy and meticulous process that demands full concentration. Therefore, only intelligent people are engaged in this field. It takes a lot of time to create all the shots. We carefully plan everything and work on every detail,” said Tlek Toleugazy, the second director of the animated film ‘Altyn Adam’.