AIF speakers: Israel may help Kazakhstan develop agro-industrial complex

Kazakhstan has all the prerequisites to become a world leader in food production. The country has enormous opportunities to conquer this market, given the resources available and the potential for development of the agro-industrial complex, as stated by Chairman of the Israel-Kazakhstan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Michael Roee at the Astana International Forum. According to him, Israel is ready to assist domestic agricultural producers in this regard. Despite the fact that the country has only about 150,000 hectares of irrigated land, it produces own food to provide 10 million citizens. The country exports products worth about $2 million a year. As noted by Michael Roee, Israel can transfer its experience through programs for students of professional universities. It is also important to open educational and scientific hubs in the country based on the Israeli education system.

“This forum is of great importance, that can be estimated by the fact that it brought together all those participants. Kazakhstan is not only a country of oil, gas and uranium. New generations living in Kazakhstan are great, and the country has big potential. The implementation and adoption of the Israeli experience are necessary now. There are numerous technologies and structures to be implemented in the agriculture and water sectors to help Kazakhstan become a world leader in food production,” said Michael Roee.

It bears noting that, it is the second day of the Astana International Forum with the participation of over 300 foreign delegates in the Kazakh capital. Attendees of the event intend to find solutions to address global challenges at a dialogue platform, including such issues as ecology, creative economy, geopolitics and integration interaction among countries.