10-day Nauryznama festival kicks off in Kazakhstan

From March 14 to March 23, Kazakhstan will celebrate the Nauryznama festival spanning 10 days. According to the Ministry of Culture and Information, the country marks ‘Korisu Kuni’ on March 14, and the Day of Mercy dedicated to charity and good neighborliness on March 15. March 16 is Culture and National Traditions Day, aimed at promoting art, culture, and national values. The Day of Shanyrak is celebrated on March 17, with cultural events planned to popularize family values. March 18 is National Clothes Day, which includes various events aimed at promoting Kazakh clothing across the country. March 19 is Renewal Day, traditionally marked by tree planting. On March 20, National Sports Day will be celebrated with competitions and tournaments. Solidarity Day falls on March 21. New Year is celebrated on March 22, with stylized ethnic villages set up across all regions of the country, alongside nationwide cultural and sports events and fairs. And lastly, March 23 will host a nationwide environmental campaign.