Virtual Korean film festival kicks off in Kazakhstan

Virtual Korean film festival kicks off in Kazakhstan

The Korean Film Festival kicked off in Kazakhstan. This time it is being held online, which means viewers can watch and enjoy the movies by the country’s best filmmakers on the website of the Korean Cultural Center free of charge. The screening of the world-famous film ‘Parasite’, which won several Academy Awards in 2020, will open the festival. It will be shown in its original language with Russian subtitles. The festival will run until the end of this week. Later, the organizers promise to screen even more films, which are not that mainstream, to make it more interesting for viewers.”

”Film screenings will take place on the official website of our center for five days starting today. I would like to note that we hope to hold many more similar events this year. We have been switching our work to online mode to adapt to pandemic conditions. For example, Korean language courses, as well as cultural courses that include Korean cooking classes and so forth, are conducted remotely. Numerous exhibitions are also planned,” said Lee Hye-Ran, Director of Korean Cultural Center.


Translation by Assem Zhanmukhanova

Editing by Galiya Khassenkhanova