Kazakh athletes win 9 medals at IV World Nomad Games

Kazakh athletes won nine medals at the IV World Nomad Games in Turkey’s Iznik. Following the results of the competition, the national team got three gold, four silver and two bronze medals. Kazakh athletes took part in five sports disciplines, including Kazakh Kuresi, kokpar, kok boru, zhamby atu, and traditional archery. Kazakh Kuresi wrestlers brought most of the awards, namely six medals, to the overall ranking of the national team.  Thus, the gold medal was awarded to Marat Nygmatullayev. He defeated a Mongolian wrestler in just two minutes. In addition, Zarina Saripova became a gold medalist in the weight category of up to 65 kilograms. Yelaman Koishybayev and Rauza Nurmukhammetova took second place. Maksat Issagabylov and Moldir Azamat won bronze medals. Kazakh athlete Kassymkhan Kanat won silver in traditional archery. He lost only two points to Oguz Okshy from Turkey in the final round. Successful performance of kokpar athletes was the highlight for Kazakhstan. In the final round of the tournament, they played against the athletes from Kyrgyzstan and won with a score of 4:3. In kok boru game the national team took second place.