Unique methods to treat patients with Parkinson’s disease

Crocheting may replace drug treatment for patients with Parkinson's disease, as well as turn into a favorite hobby, specialists of the Medical Centre Hospital of the President's Affairs Administration in Astana note. Such a treatment practice is successfully implemented in a special school opened for Parkinson’s patients. The warm clothing, knitted by patients during crochet classes last weekend, will be donated to premature babies.

“First of all, crocheting is good for the development of fine motor skills. Besides, the knitted items are donated to charity. Nordic walking, a useful exercise for developing speech and brain activity, is also effective in combating Parkinson’s disease. In addition, a speech therapist is working with patients in our hospital,” said the patient, Shara Mukash.

The courses provide all kinds of support, including a psychological one. The basics of a healthy lifestyle, as well as the prevention of disease complications are also taught at the school. Patients, in turn, share their experience in overcoming the disease. It bears noting that the Parkinson School is a well-coordinated work of a large team, which includes rehabilitation specialists, speech therapists, neurosurgeons and a number of other specialists of the hospital. They note that the exact causes of the disease are still not clear, but the symptoms can and should be treated.

“World Parkinson's Day takes place in April. We will be holding a forum dedicated to this disease. Many people will come here from Almaty and nearby cities. We are inviting everyone involved so that we can raise awareness that there are treatments and that it is possible to resist the illness,” noted Talgat Yermekov, neurosurgeon at the Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.