COVID-19: epidemiological situation in Nur-Sultan remains unstable

The epidemiological situation in the Kazakh capital remains unstable, Head of the Public Health Department of Nur-Sultan Timur Muratov stated. According to him, in the last two weeks, the number of COVID-19 cases has increased by 24 percent. Thus, the last month the city reported an average of up to 100 new daily cases, now a single-day increase of cases can reach up to 230. Muratov underlined that a significant growth of coronavirus cases was recorded ahead of Nauryz holidays. As a result, the workload of medical staff increased twofold, according to the capital’s Health Department. To date, more than 3,700 medical workers are involved in the fight against the dangerous infection, and there is also a staff reserve, which, if necessary, will be invited for work. Meanwhile, 11 hospitals have already been deployed in Nur-Sultan, including a quarantine hospital and 10 infectious disease hospitals. Additional 300 beds for coronavirus patients will be deployed at three facilities in the city. Mass vaccination in Kazakhstan will begin in mid-April. It is planned to vaccinate up to 100,000 people per month.













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