Turanian tigers to be brought from Netherlands to Kazakhstan

Turanian tigers to be brought from Netherlands to Kazakhstan

Turanian tigers will inhabit Kazakhstan again. They will be specially brought in from the Netherlands. A memorandum of cooperation between the Kazakh Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the World Wildlife Fund is aimed at implementing a reintroduction program for this predator species. A few years ago, the Kazakh government announced plans to restore populations of rare animal species. All necessary preparations have been made, including the creation of a specially protected natural area near Lake Balkhash.

«The return of tigers to Kazakhstan is not only an ecologically significant project but also a symbol of our efforts to restore natural heritage. The parties have signed an agreement, including a contract for the donation of two tigers – a female and a male. The relocation to the Ile-Balkhash State Nature Reserve is planned for this autumn. The tigers will also be kept in an aviary complex on a permanent basis for further breeding in semi-wild conditions. The offspring will be released into the wild at the age of 1.5 to two years, using satellite collars for subsequent monitoring,» said Zhansaya Temirzhan, spokesperson for the Kazakh Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.   

It is also planned to relocate a group of Amur tigers from Russia, but not earlier than in five years. The corresponding agreement on the reintroduction of the feline predator was signed back in 2022.