Topical issues of constitutional development of Kazakhstan discussed in capital

Topical issues of constitutional development of Kazakhstan discussed in capital

The amendments made to the country’s Basic Law, their impact on the lives of the citizens and the potential for further modernization. These topical issues were discussed at the international scientific and practical conference held in the capital. Kazakh National Academic Library hosted an event dedicated to the Constitution Day.

“The constitution is like a skeleton of the legal system, the foundation of which is groundwork for all other laws. It regulates all social relations. The direct application of the fundamentals of the constitution is implemented through the ‘listening state’ principle. We are talking about equality, justice, freedom, public relations, citizens’ involvement in state governance, strengthening the parliament’s control and so on,” said Marat Bashimov, Director of the Expert Institute of European Law and Human Rights.

In addition, the scientific work “The Constitution of Kazakhstan. Commentary on the amendments and additions adopted at the nationwide referendum on June 5, 2022” was presented at the meeting.