Small town of artisans to be built in Turkistan

A unique tourist complex with artisans’ workshops is planned to be constructed in Turkistan. A small town will be built on an area of 9,000 square meters and turned into a place where souvenirs and crafts in the national style will be made, and workshops in both modern and ancient handicraft technologies will be conducted. Hotels, restaurants, exhibition spaces and showrooms will also be built there. According to the governor’s office of the Turkistan region, the construction of the tourist complex will attract tourists, as well as develop entrepreneurship and preserve the culture and heritage of ancestors. It bears reminding that the draft concept for the development of the domestic tourism industry is currently under public discussion in Kazakhstan. The development of handicrafts is envisaged as part of this concept. First of all, it is planned to form a national register of craftspeople and develop standards for their products. A special electronic trading platform will be created for them to promote products both in the domestic and international markets.