Rolling barriers installed on Kazakhstan’s highways

Rolling barriers will appear on Kazakhstan's highways, with one currently being installed on the Yekaterinburg-Almaty national highway. Specifically, the barrier is being placed on the traffic island near the Tlendiyev junction in Astana, according to QazAvtoJol National Company. The advantage of the rolling barrier is that it converts the impact energy into rotational energy. Thus, the vehicle that got into an accident is not thrown off the guardrail but moves along it due to the rotation of rollers. Therefore, the car does not fall into the ditch but stays on the road.

“This technology is being installed in Kazakhstan for the first time. If it proves to be effective, then we will implement it on roads of national significance in the future. Rolling barriers are typically placed not only on problematic sections of roads with a high frequency of accidents but also in areas with high traffic volume. We chose this section because it has an intensity of more than 15,000 vehicles per day,” Nurbek Temirkhanov, Deputy Director of the Akmola branch of QazAvtoJol National Company, said.

It is worth noting that the guardrail is commonly installed on complex road sections, including sharp turns, rocky roads, tunnel entrances and exits, junctions, highways, and crossroads. Such a rolling barrier is set to be placed near the Talapker village in the Akmola region within a month.