Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan to establish environmental educational institutes

Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan to establish environmental educational institutes

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are set to collaborate in the protection and conservation of the environment. Thereby, the countries plan to create joint environmental educational institutes and train relevant personnel. Members of the Mazhilis, a Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament, have begun work on the draft law aimed at ratifying the agreement between the parties on cooperation in the field of ecology. According to MP Yedil Zhanbyrshin, the countries plan to take all necessary measures to prevent emergencies that could harm the environment and establish a special commission. Overall, the neighboring states will work together in several important areas.

“Cooperation will be carried out in such main areas as the prevention and control of air and water pollution, solid waste management, biodiversity conservation, development of joint measures to improve the environmental situation in the Aral Sea basin and environmental monitoring,” said Zhanbyrshin.