Presidential elections form new political culture, experts say

A new political culture is being formed in Kazakhstan, which is evidenced by the early presidential elections scheduled for November 20. That is the opinion of experts of the Public Policy Institute. According to them, the parties' candidates, including newly formed ones, entered the political competition fairly and on equal terms. In addition, the list of candidates includes members of associations representing various public interests. According to political analysts, the upcoming elections will start an electoral cycle, which will fundamentally reboot the entire political system of the country. Therefore, this will improve the life and well-being of Kazakh citizens.

“Most importantly, the presidential election does not close the electoral cycle but rather opens it up. This will be followed by local elections. The election of local authorities, both representative and executive, is exactly what awaits millions of Kazakh citizens in the coming years,” Nikolai Kuzmin, chief expert of the Public Policy Institute, said.

Only two days left until the presidential election. According to experts, this political event is a real opportunity for Kazakh citizens to express their civic stance, upon which the entire country's future depends. 

“For the first time in the country's history, we will elect a president for a single seven-year term. Therefore, the upcoming elections are the beginning of a large-scale political electoral period. In the coming year, citizens will cast their votes in the elections to the Mazhilis and maslikhats. Apart from that, direct elections of local governors will be held in the country. Meanwhile, we are building an electoral political culture, whose success depends on the active participation of every citizen,” Kuanysh Sailau, researcher at the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies, said.