Over one million Kazakh schoolchildren take part in dombyra challenge

Young musicians performed famous kui songs by Kazakh folk musician and composer Kurmangazy. The event was aimed at preserving the cultural heritage of the country and promoting dombyra playing among the young generation. Students from more than 7,000 schools, including the school-lyceum No. 76 named after Alikhan Bokeikhan, participated in the nationwide challenge.

“I have been playing the dombyra since I was ten. I want to promote and develop this musical art. Our school offers dombyra music classes. I think such events are really important as we can present the Kazakh national instrument to the whole world,” school student Zhuldyz Pshenbai noted.

“I want to become a famous musician like my grandfather. I want to follow in his footsteps. I have been playing the dombyra for three years now,” said Ramazan Yerdenov, another school student.