Number of domestic tourists in Kazakhstan more than doubles

Indicators of domestic tourism break records. Last year the number of Kazakh residents traveling around their country increased by more than half and approached 7 million. This is 300,000 more people than in the pre-pandemic period. This was stated by Kazakh Minister of Culture and Sports Dauren Abayev at the Government’s meeting. On the other hand, the number of tourists from abroad decreased due to quarantine restrictions.

“People have increasingly begun to visit Ile-Alatau, Kolsai and Sharyn national parks. Since 2012, the number of visitors to the Ile-Alatau national park has grown from 4,000 to 430,000. Compared to 2020, the number of accommodation places increased by 172 units, amounting to 3,686 hotels. The number of rooms grew up to 193,000 beds. We see an increase in the number of domestic tourists in several regions of the country. The volume of services provided meets the pre-quarantine period. This indicator reached 109 billion tenge (US$257 million) in 2021,” said Dauren Abayev, Kazakh Minister of Culture and Sports.

According to the National Entrepreneurship Development Project until 2025, more than 31,000 people were employed last year out of the planned 22,000 in the tourism sector. This year, it is planned to create additional 25,000 new jobs within the national project, Abayev said.


Translation by Saniya Sakenova

Editing by Saule Mukhamejanova