National Bank of Kazakhstan launches sales of silver and gold collector coins

Today, seven collector gold and silver coins are put up for sale by the National Bank of Kazakhstan through the online store. The collection of coins depicting deer, swan and berkut (golden eagle), as well as ‘OMIR SHEJIRESI’, ‘KIIZ UI’, ‘JETI QAZYNA’ and ‘Year of the Tiger’ belongs to the series ‘Cult Animals– Totems of Nomads’. The nominal value of the coins is from 500 to 5,000 tenge and the circulation varies from 250 to 1,000 pieces.

“Regular ounce non-precious metal coins were sold through delivery via the Kazpost national postal operator. Now there will be a new sales format involving self-delivery and queue booking. We have divided the deliveries into two parts. Tomorrow we will be sending a one-kilogram silver coin depicting a yurt for sale. Other interesting coins include a 25-ounce coin depicting the tree of life and a gold coin named ‘Year of the Tiger’,” said Almat Bassenov, chief designer at the National Bank of Kazakhstan.

“This is the ‘Berkut’ coin weighing 25 ounces, or 777.5 grams, one part of which is designed in totem style and the other in naturalist style. The coin has a gilt and a diamond inlay with a two-millimeter diameter, with its obverse featuring an ornamental rosette, the national emblem of Kazakhstan and the face value of 5,000 tenge,” added Bassenov.

It should be noted that to date the National Bank issues 30 different series of collector coins. At the same time, one of the most popular continues to be dedicated to the cult animals and totems of nomads.