Largest international auto show kicks off in Kazakh capital

Largest international auto show kicks off in Kazakh capital

Astana is hosting the largest international auto show. Around 500 companies from more than 20 countries are showcasing their products. The exhibition halls feature auto parts and equipment, electric vehicles, and customized cars. Experts note that such events are important not only for the development of Kazakhstan’s automotive industry but also for its tourism industry. Over 15,000 foreign visitors are expected to attend the event in the Kazakh capital. Moreover, experts believe that the country has significant potential for further development in this area.

“Since 2019, we have been developing the city of Astana as a hub for business tourism. The city hosts high-level events, forums, meetings of heads of state, and business gatherings. This makes it a destination for business tourism. In economic terms, each exhibition participant, essentially a business tourist, spends an average of $1,400 to $1,500 during their stay. If 3,000 foreign tourists attend the exhibition this time, they alone will contribute several million dollars to Astana’s economy,” said Kazakh Deputy Minister of Tourism and Sports Yerzhan Yerkinbayev.

“Central Asia is a new trend because many companies from around the world are drawn to its rapidly growing market. We offer an opportunity to explore this market and facilitate connections between international and local companies. Additionally, it provides a platform for networking and presenting new products,” said Yevgeny Sergeyev, Director of Exhibition Projects at a car company.